
Glue for the glue god!

eGrim in his blister sweetening my day

The bad news is I have hit a road block in my painting lately, so this is an update on gluing my stuff basically.

Reasons for my painting block are several:

  • I am currently trying to get all my warlocks done and I can't stop admiring how good they look on the PP website. :-/
  • I am still not entirely sure on what warlocks should be my default, so I switch back and forth between attempts to paint them all at once or painting only a selected few.
  • Every once in a while a tourney shows up and I rip them off their painting stands again. Don't ask me how many times I have glued pGrim back into his base after he came off the painting stand/white tack, but his base didn't.
  • Oh, and more warlocks get added, like pGrissel one month ago and eGrim just recently.

Maybe I should take the picture of my pMadrak as a source of motivation and tell myself that done is better than perfect.

pMadrak in all his glory.

The good news is that I haven't let my self-discipline scatter totally so I at least kept gluing the most recent stuff. So that's what I did lately:

I twisted and bent the Razor Worm until it sort of had a shape as if it just had been hit by the Mountain King.

This is how it looks glued to the Mountain King's base. Since I have a snow theme for my Trollbloods bases, the Razor Worm will lie in red snow with fresh blood dripping down from the Mountain King's right fist.

On a nice spring day I sprayed all warbeasts of my two current lists with Army Painter Green. I hope this will boost my painting morale, too, as I will be able to paint with large tankbrushes and do some progress instead of messing with the warlocks' intricate details. I also stripped and assembled my Scattergunners and eGrim and his unit.

Last but not least I assembled my Long Riders so that Horthol has some company. I am still heavily contemplating switching my pDoomshaper T4 list for a pGrissel list with Long Riders.

So once again I am done with assembling all my models which is nice as I find gluing quite boring - unless it's building GW plastic models where you can combine bits according to your desire. Now on to painting again!

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