
The hypothetical company that treats its customers well

This conversation really made my day yesterday:

I don't know, maybe it's just me because the prophets of a dying Games Workshop exist for a long time already. However, said hypothetical company in the conversation listed above is Privateer Press and it seems like Privateer Press really is gaining momentum. Warhammer 40'000 6th Edition has to be really good or the exodus will likely increase.

I started as a WHFB player (1993), then got started on 40K (2008), but right now it's all WM/H for me. As a dad with a time budget I can simply get more done in less time while the gaming experience is also rewarding me with a more interesting and balanced rule set

I will be at this year's Wargames Convention in Austin and I am really looking forward to meeting the Privateer Press staff personally.

Update: Duke just posted an article on BolS heading into the same direction. There surely are interesting discussions ahead.

Update: It keeps getting better, Privateer Press is now even sporting a Summer Sale.


Pondering on bases

© berggeist007 / PIXELIO 

I am currently pondering on what bases my upcoming Trollbloods army shall have. One list will contain Borka and Rök, so it would make perfect sense to do winter bases. The white winter bases would be an especially nice contrast to the warm earth colors my Trolls are supposed to have if I paint them similarly to Gentleben.

On the other hand, I just heard in a podcast (I think it was the Screaming Heretics doing interviews at Adepticon) that Secret Weapon Miniatures will release a set of Japanese Garden bases soon. Ever since I heard that I can't stop picturing my Trolls to walk through the landscape in mid-fall.

After that I remembered that there was this company selling awesome flocking materials for your bases and after some googling I found what I needed over at Basecrafts.com. So right now my question is: winter or fall?

Let me know what you would pick and why.


My Cygnar Collection

Just in case you're interested in seeing my existing Cygnar collection, here is the link to my Picasa web album.

Painting Rök

Well, Gentleben once again hit the nail on the head with his latest awesome post over at BoLS on how to paint Rök. My very own Rök currently sits still in its original packaging and is waiting for assembly. Thanks to Gentleben I have a stunning master piece to live up to, though.

BTW, unlike what Battle College claims to be true, you cannot pronounce Rök as "Ruck" or even "Wreck", the proper pronounciation is [rœ:k].

Hello World

This blog is dedicated to my experiences with the Trollbloods in the Hordes game as I build up my army. You will find here everything from modeling and painting progress up to battle reports.

Occasionally, you will also find here things from my Cygnar army in Warmachine and other table top gaming related topics.