
New lists from the Trollblood Scrumcast

My medal from the 2012 Bavarian Moshpit - Nighty was so nice to have prices for everyone. I clocked in at rank 49/52.

Well, a direct consequence of my participation at the 2012 Bavarian Moshpit and the Iron Cabal 3 is that I have the strong desire to improve my competitive gaming. In order to do so, I need a couple not only solid but really good lists first.

From what I have learned at the Moshpit, too, I feel that Trollbloods have these three problems:

  • Cryx
  • High DEF Death Stars
  • Their shooting power is laughably small

In order to deal with these issues I did quite a bit of research and came to these conclusions:

  • Nobody really knows how to play Grim. Yes, of course the top players (e.g. Andrew Galea) play him, but there's no "one size fits all" Grim list, rather every player has to discover his/her own.
  • The Gatormen Witch Doctor in combination with Nyss Hunters is the new black as he gives them Tough Rolls and makes them undead.
  • Brick lists are still popular as they are what Trollbloods excel best at. They are not the perfect but the best option a Trollblood army offers.
cb_crusader (5/52 at the 2012 bavarian Moshpit) is making sure his medal is the real thing. If I wanna become that good, I need excellent lists and a lot of hard training.

With that in mind I had some interesting revelations as I listened to the most recent episode (14) of the Trollblood Scrumcast. In that episode the boys report some unconventional lists they have seen at Duell Con in Arizona. As they don't seem to be typed down anywhere I decided to do it, mostly for my own reference, but if you can benefit from them, too, then even the better. Please note that these lists were created by some US players (probably) at Duell Con and not by myself, so whoever out there invented those deserves the credit, not me. I am just the stenographer. ^^

The Jarl list
Jarl Skuld
Slag Troll
Rune Bearer
Nyss Hunters
Greygore Boomhowler & Co
Sons of Brag
Alten Ashley
Fell Caller Hero
Champion Hero 
Boomhowlers & Jarl's feat & clouds give -4 MAT for enemy so they usually attack on MAT 1 or 2 against DEF 12 Trolls

The Calandra list
Calandra Truthsayer
War Wagon
Max Fennblades
Swamp Gobbers
Thumper Crew

Kills infantry spam (Cryx), Calandra at DEF 18 in the cloud

The Mountain King list
Andrew Galea already wrote quite a bit about the Mountain King and he runs him with pMadrak, but this here sounds interesting, too:
Mountain King
Janissa Stonetide
Min Krielstone & Elder
Thumper Crew
War Wagon 
ARM 25 on the MK (Feat, Kriel Stone, EBDT animus, Janissa), MK (melee) and Grissel (ranged) do the heavy work, Grissel doesn't need to support anything

The alternate Grim list (against Colossals)
Gatorman Witch Doctor
Nyss Hunters 
EBDTs are being used to kill enemy heavies, Rök is being used to bodyguard Grim.

The Scrumcast concludes that each of those lists can handle Heavies really well - so yes, this could be the foreboding of the meta change.

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