
Painting a Hreidgotaland Axer

I already explained how to paint the basics of a Hreidgotaland Troll in a previous post. Here I simply add how to paint the green armor, but there isn't really that much remaining to be said.

The Troll got originally primed with Army Painter Greenskin primer like everyone else. After that the skin, hair, etc. was painted as explained here. When I finally had to do the armor, it was too bright for my taste, so I toned it down with Angel Green and Dark Tone. After that I built up the highlights again by adding increasing amounts of Greenskin and Goblin Green. here the Army Painter range shows it's true strength because you can easily and efficiently go up and down the ladder just as you please.

Well, this is the finished Axer. Interestingly, I like the way his back has turned out a lot better than his front; usually I like the front way better.

As an added bonus, here are also the pictures of my Earth Born Dire Troll (EBDT):

Heya Hreidgotaland!

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