
Doing stupid things

With the next tournament around the corner, today's practice games were primarily a great opportunity to make stupid mistakes in order not to make them at the tournament...

Game 1 vs. Rahn

My list:

Madrak Ironhide, Thornwood Chieftain - WB:  6 
- Earthborn Dire Troll - PC: 10 
- Troll Axer - PC: 6
Janissa Stonetide - PC: 3 
Fell Caller Hero - PC: 3 
Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes - Leader & 3 Grunts: 3 
Kriel Warriors - Leader & 9 Grunts: 6

Short battle report in pictures:

Kriel Warriors and the Fell Caller move up on the flank to the right; their Prayer and the  Fell Call gives them MAT 9. To the left we have the beast brick with Janissa/Kriel Stone/pMadrak lifting the Trolls to DEF 16 / ARM 22.

The Trolls hack a bloody path through the Elves, but the Kriel Warriors have a hard time on the right with the Sentinels - I am still struggling heavily with these.

On pMadrak's feat turn, the EBDT tanks his way through the Sentinels to Rahn and attempts to hit him four times on a 6 - and fails each of those four To Hit rolls. Oh yes, I could have boosted, but you don't really boost when you need a 6, do you? Well, in return Rahn was so nice to shoot pMadrak, game over.

Game 2 vs. eSorscha

The purpose of this game was to find out if I am able to come up with an answer to the Winter Guard Death Star. Well, my big conclusion is "not really" since I felt like a newb with this list:

Grim Angus - WB:  6 
- Dire Troll Bomber - PC: 10 
- Troll Impaler - PC: 5 
Cylena Raefyll & Nyss Hunters - Cylena & 5 Grunts: 7 
Kriel Warriors - Leader & 9 Grunts: 6 
- Kriel Warrior Standard & Piper - Standard & Piper 2 
- 1 1 Thrower's: 1

On the one hand, I have never played shooty Trollbloods before. On the other hand, Grim is a - let's say - unusual Trollbloods warlock to play with. And on the very effing third hand, I was over the points max because I put a max unit of Nyss Hunters onto the table rather than the min unit I had in my list!!! Fortunately, I had an opponent who really knew what he was doing and who also was an excellent sportsman, so this can be written off as a silly attempt at anything. I really need to do one thing: play, play, play.

The Cheat Hunters are walking on the left flank doing nothing since the pikemen are still out of range.  Everybody else is moving up the middle doing nothing either for the same reasons. 

Things start to get really bad. I forget to move half of my Kriel Warriors because I was only looking at those standing in front of my warbeasts. The Cheat Hunters continue to do nothing because now everyone is in a close combat. The Bomber throws bombs at eSorscha in the wood, but after we found out I was incorrect on the strength of a deviating template he does hardly any damage to her. I am loosing a terrible amount of time and - what's even worse - I don't know how I lost it as I am not aware of playing lazily. Basically I should have lost the game right here right now.

With 3 minutes on my clock left, my opponent sends me a gift by trying to assassinate Grim (at full fury) with eSorscha. Grim shoots his gun back at her, the Impaler charges in, end of story. Oh, the Cheat Hunters also managed to shoot the pikemen standard bearer.

So all in all this game was underwhelming simply for the amount of mistakes I made and the "victory" is not deserved in any way. Yet I consider it to be an important game for me as I sort of got an idea in real life what this list can do and what it can't.

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