
Drü Trollkin

One of the reasons I love my gaming group is because someone may bring in a new idea and the rest usually is pretty fast at picking it up. Since we are all connected via Google products (most notably Google+ and Google Groups) there is a constant flow of ideas as anyone posts as soon as he has one.

So my fellow group member André found an app called Autorap and just created a rap song about the hobby during lunch break. So welcome to the first hobby rap in Swiss German! (click the link to listen to the song)
so vil schaffe schiist mi a
i chume gär nüme hei
cha nid game, was i wott
cha nid mini mändli amoole
es isch ächt zum hüüle
(so much work, can't stand it
I'm hardly home anymore
can't play the games I want
can't paint my minis
it really makes one cry)
I was immediately hooked when I heard it in the bus this morning and decided to go for a reply:

i bi langsam müed
und sött doch no go mole
mindischtens drü Trollkin
bevor mi s Sandmändli chunnt cho hole
(slowly I am getting tired
yet should still get up and paint
minimally three Trollkins
before the Sandman comes to get me)
I really like how the app slowed and quickened my speech as it both expresses my tiredness and the urge to get everything painted for the OETC.

Now I am really curious to know what the other group members are gonna do - maybe we'll get our own soundtrack for our gaming group. We are a very multicultural group so I am sure we can get many interesting and weird raps. And I am seriously thinking about doing a movie - it's gonna be really bad for sure, but we'll have something to laugh once we look back to 50 years of gaming!

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