Sara Wood chatting away at the 2012 Wargames Con with fellow WM/H players. |
After the 2012 WGC I was able to play two games with Sara Wood, WM/H Masters player, over at Darkwynn's house on the 4th of July. This article covers the first of the two games, the second will follow later. Since my current record in Texas (W-L-T; 2-7-1) wasn't that good and Sara definitely knows how to play Trollbloods, I knew I was in for an uphill battle. Yet we had a great time and playing her I could observe and pick up tactics that I will use in my upcoming Trollbloods army. Sara also helped me with army list advice, so I have to say she is a great resource for anything Trollbloods related.
Sara's army - Kriel Warriors with Kaber Throwers, an Axer, Mulg, pDoomshaper, a Mauler, and an Impaler. |
In both games we played simple caster kill scenarios. In our first game, Sara was playing pDoomshaper vs. my eCaine. We played on the Dust Warfare board from the 2012 WGC in Darwynn's garage (damn it was hot!) and we just agreed that the cliffs were rough terrain, but the miniatures could pretty much walk anywhere except up the walls of the houses - they could use the stairs, though.
Deployment |
Sara goes first and carefully moves forward and into cover. |
I pretty much do the same. I was hesitant about the Gun Mages because I could have sent them up the stairs and on top of that roof, but I was afraid of them jamming on the stairs and get eradicated in that tight spot. Therefore I decided that they have to walk around the building on the left instead. Then I showed Sara that Cygnar armies can be tough, too (Greygore Boomhowler & Co. in combination with Heightened Reflexes from eCaine, Rhupert Carvolo). eEiryss shoots at the Mauler and removes one point on the Spirit. |
Sara basically just moves into the center of the table to make a stand there. |
The Gun Mages on the left move around the building and start shooting the Axer. Greygore Boomhowler & Co. plus the Stormclad charge into the Kriel Warriors. eEiryss continues to fire at the Mauler. |
Sara gets only very minimal gains in close combat as Greygore Boomhowler & Co. just eat up all damage. The Impaler charges eEiryss, which I didn't like too much. |
The Gun Mages continue to shoot the Axer. Sara is less fortunate with her Tough saves, so Greygore Boomhowler & Co. start to run down the Kriel Warriors in the center. The Stormclad finishes off the Mauler. The Stormblades charge in as well. eEiryss successfully escapes from the Impaler and starts to shoot pDoomshaper - even with Janissa's wall that's an easy task for her. eCaine moves to the right flank, kills the Impaler and hopes to get shots at pDoomshaper in the near future, too. |
Well, when Sara sees an opportunity for a casterkill, she seizes it. First Janissa kills eEiryss on the far right (just to be save), then the Axer finishes off the Stormclad, then Mulg tramples through the Stormblades and uses Fury to purchase additional attacks to swing his giant club at eCaine. With boosted attack rolls he hits and kills. |
My really big mistake in this game was that I knew that Mulg can trample and likes to do it, but that I didn't consider the option that Sara may just do that to get in range of my warcaster. In other words, my line of defense made out of Stormblades is basically worthless against Mulg, so I have to keep this in mind for future games. Jedi Master Gati won't be happy with me, he will assign additional training and study to me upon return. ^^
The best way to learn is playing experienced players. :)