Well, here's my report for my last games on Sunday of Wargames Con. For Warmachine, Sunday was a split as the top players played their Masters and those less fortunate played their own Flanks For Everything (35pts, all scenarios with reserves). As it was appropriate for the event I sure did wear my new Privateer Press bandana. ^^
Will Pagani briefing the players for the Masters.
Game 1 vs. Roger Yohn (Retribution)
This game lastet only seven minutes in total. Roger basically rushed his Myrmidons forward and they shot eNemo who hadn't even left his deployment zone. From André Suwanda I know that I have to be really careful with Mage Hunters and their ranged attacks, so I found myself in a wrong sense of ( at least temporary) security when Roger had his Mage Hunters in reserve. He basically taught me that Myrmidons are excellent marksmen as well.
Game 2 vs. Nikki Andraka (Circle, pKrueger)
In this game I got to play one of the two female players in the tournament so this was probably my most charming defeat ever. ^^
My army moved into its first line of defense, Nikki moved her army forward, too, and also did the trick with the Shifting Stones that I knew already.
At the end of my second turn, my army had moved far enough to at least contest the various objectives and either be charged or charge in the next turn.
Also my reserves arrived from the east supporting my right flank. On the turn of their arrival they could not really shoot anything, but on the other hand they were also more or less save behind this building.
On her turn, Nikki moved forward and was mostly concerned with my Fireflies on the flanks. I didn't care because as long as the Fireflies were alive, I could still use them for my Triangulation.
On my turn, my Thunderhead moved forward and eradicated the druids with his Energy Pulse. Arlan Strangewayes moved into B2B with the Stormclad and repaired it so I was pretty positive about that close combat. My Gun Mages on the right flank moved in the hope to get a shot at the units in Nikki's backfield, but their shots still fell short. I also secretly hoped I may be able to throw the Woldwarden at Krueger in my next turn with my Thunderhead.
Well, unfortunately here it was over already. Nikki walked Krueger and the Woldwarden forward and showed me that they both have strong ranged attacks, too.
I guess after the game with Nikki it is very evident that I need to protect my Warcasters more. All my games during Wargames Con I lost because of casterkills (except two), so I need to change something about that. However, I generally don't feel like I am doing too much risky or offensive stuff, e.g. in this game I considered eNemo to be savely lagging behind. With a command range of 14" - although it is a rather comfortable one - I also don't want him to lag too much behind so he can still allocate focus to the Fireflies. Well, maybe I should run the Fireflies just closer to the center.
Game 3 vs. John Booher (Cygnar, Kara Sloan)
John played a classic Kara Sloan list that was filled with Mercenary Pirates for buffed shooting. In this game I really got to feel how (literally) tough pirates can be. A single model isn't very strong per se, but in a game where saving rolls still are the exception, Tough rolls for every infantry model make a difference and give them much more staying power.
Job won the dice roll, decided to go first, set up most of his army in advanced deployment and rushed them forward. As it turned out later, this was going to be decisive. My army moved to its first line of defense.
Our armies got stuck in close combat just south of the mission objectives (an imaginary 6" diameter measured from the two white circles). The battle turned into a war of slow attrition at the center line where both he and I were equally successful, but John started to score on the mission objective to the west.
Well, this picture looks pretty much the same except that John and I have less infantry. At this point John scored enough points and won the game based on mission objectives. :-)
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