One of the most amazing Cygnar armies I have ever seen. |
Well, our team, the Unboostables, have been participating last weekend at the 2013 BOTT with mild success - in the final ranking we ended up on 9th place out of 12. :-)
The BOTT follows the mechanic we see in international team tournaments in WM/H and 40K - there are teams from various nations, each five players strong, and they get paired in individual rounds battling each other. As soon as three or more players of a team win their games, their team obviously wins the round. The Unboostabels won one round and lost four. :-)
My two lists. I was playing eCaine and eHaley plus stuff. The armies are +Botond Gati's. |
The Unboostables, ready to have a good time. :-) |
3/5 of Team Albania. :-) |
Team Salmiakki, our trusted blend of Swedish/Finnish Warmachine aggression with heartfelt friendship. :-) |
He doesn't like it when you steal his lunch money. |
Orange is way sexier. |
The Unboostables battling team Albania. +Robi Deola, do you remember what happened there? ;-) |
Lunch was awesome every day with supreme catering. |
Norbert's preying eye makes sure rules violators stand no chance. |
I just called to say "I love you". |
The Unboostables playing the Iron Hookers. |
Maurus scoring his first win at a major WM/H tournament. :-) |
End of day one in a nice Bavarian Biergarten - I can feel how jealous +Angel Baker is on the other side of the ocean. :-P |
The Iron Hookers. |
Team Salmiakki to the upper left, Norbert in the center, team Stronghold on the right. |
Big G tries to draft Zahnfee as our new recruit. ;-) |
The number 1 team - German Lamers. :-D |
Packing everything up and saying goodbye. :-( |
Game 1
End of game 1. |
Basics: game 1 I played with
eCaine against team Albania's Oliver Eitschberger and his
eFeora list. eCaine got assassinated by his Judicator and his Warjacks' ranged attacks. Yes, quite embarrassing.
Problem:Oliver knew what he was doing and shot his templates on low DEF grunts standing near high DEF solos. That way he shot away all my key solos until he went for the assassination of eCaine.
Solution: I should have remembered that Rhupert not only dishes out Tough, but also Pathfinder. My Forgeguard with Pathfinder should have charged the Judicator through the corn field and brought it down.
Game 2
End of game 2. |
Basics: game 2 I played with
eCaine against the Iron Hookers' Laszlo Vuray and his
Barnabas list. eCaine got assassinated when one of his beast's performed a two-handed throw on Barnabas having him land too close to eCaine.
Problem: Barnabas hid all game in his mobile swamp, so I could not shoot him, until he started for the assassination run himself.
Solution: I should have played my eHaley list and have the Stormwall blast away. Also, I realized that my way of palying eCaine may be too risky.
Game 3
End of game 3. |
Basics: game 3 I played with
eHaley against team "Mein Bruder und ich"'s Alexander Hoschkara with his
Scaverous list. Cryx, Cryx, and in case of doubt even more Cryx. I lost on scenario because I was playing too defensively.
Problem: there was just too much Cryx infantry. It didn't help that I didn't remember to place the Stormwall's pods until turn 3.
Solution: I feated defensively, used eHaley's spells to boost my DEF, and the Stormwall fired away - I was all happy with that. However, I should move my models forward more aggressively and block the Cryx infantry's moving lanes with the Stormwall's and the Black 13th templates.
Game 4
End of game 4. |
Basics: game 4 I played with
eCaine against team "Dead Fish Syndicate"'s Ben Fröhlich-Rodriguez and his
eKrueger list. Once again I lost because of a caster kill and even though I was familiar with the Circle's double teleport.
Problem: everything looked wonderful for me at the beginning of Ben's last turn - or so I believed. eCaine was the boss on his hill with 19/18 and tough Forgeguard (Rhupert) and Boomhowler & Co. with Heightened Reflexes in front of him. Well, Megalith telepoted and cleared away Trolls and Dwarfs all failing their Tough rolls, then he used also some spell to drop eCaine's DEF. eKrueger himself moved in and dropped eCaine's DEF even further down to 13. Ghetorix teleported onto the hill, swung his axe, boosted to hit, and eCaine once again was history.
Solution: I should have either stood more back or have had more Dwarfs and Trolls in front of eCaine in hope that at least some of them would pass their Tough roll.
Game 5
End of game 5. |
Basics: I played game 5 with
eCaine against Team Stronghold's PalaTin and his
eStriker list. This was a game with no surprises as we both knew very well what each other's army was doing. I lost on scenario.
Problem: once again it was infantry spam. Also PalaTin was excellent at moving his troops. The way he moved them was a case book study on how you should move them. He surprised me by running everyone in his second turn again, but only as many soldiers as necessary to bind mine in close combat while the rest stayed back for the countercharge in his turn three. My infantry jammed on and around the hill and could not develop its full power.
Solution: I should have moved my units the way he moved his to be more aggressive and go after the mission objectives. This game was an awesome lesson/experience that I will incorporate into my future games.